Detective Diabeetus Feed And Grow Fish

  1. Detective Diabeetus Feed And Grow Fish Pictures
  2. Detective Diabeetus Feed And Grow Fish Game

Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor and straight away you are ready to dive in to the mesmerizing world of Feed and Grow. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede.


If you have ever had fish tank, then you probably enjoyed watching the gracious moves of these marine creatures. You probably thought that being a fish is easy and is better than being human. If such thoughts occurred in your mind, then you should see how things look like in the reality. With the new game with the early access you may follow fish in a new survival arcade Feed and Grow with gameplay. You will see how difficult life of a simple fish is, and how it changes with the growth of your pet.

You start the game as the smallest fish that you can only imagine. Your primary food will be crabs, starfish and even weed that you may consume before you get the second level. After you grow even a little, you may start eating fish, and the process of eating isn’t that simple as it seems. You should bite your victim many times, and then it starts looking like a ready dish, and you may open your mouth to gobble small portions. There are several modes of the game, and the most expected now is the multiplayer, because fighting with real enemies that act not like planned is much more interesting than playing against bots.

The easy mode is good only for those, who have no idea about how to play this arcade. After you learn how things are going on, you may switch to the hard mode, because here comes the fun. When you press the start button, you start to look around, and see where you can head to. After a couple of seconds something eats you, and voila, the game is over. You need to know that the sense of the arcade is movement, and if you stand still – get ready to die. At first you may consume only simple food that you don’t have to fight for, but if you notice that someone bites other fish, and you see luscious portions of food that you can’t afford at the moment, you should rush to that place, and eat as much as you can, because such nutrition will help you grow faster. When you grow to the highest available now level, there will be no need to hunt or bite anyone – you will eat fish with its bones, and you don’t need to wait for small portions. The game lasts to the moment, when you become the biggest fish in the ocean.

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Detective Diabeetus Feed And Grow Fish Pictures


If you dream about your own pet, but you don’t have an opportunity to take care about it, there is a nice solution for you. There are many games, where people are sentenced to death because of hunger or predators around, but you can try a game, where your main character will be fish! As it is said in the name of the game, your main function will be feeding your pet, and let them grow to the enormous sizes. You have two options, and you may choose one fish to start with. And this small creature will have to survive in a big ocean world, and sometimes it is an undertaking challenge. This game that is created by two brothers, and it is still in the process of development, and you can contribute your ides to the process of creation. Soon multiplayer will appear, granting access to citizens of various countries. If you want to eat something, you need just to open your mouth, and your prey will do everything instead of you. You may attack and bite your enemies, and this will strongly help you in the process of surviving. Remember that you can vanquish any fish, but you can’t touch those, who belong to your family. There are plenty of missions that you have to fulfill, and if you think that there are too little of them, believe us – they will be added soon.

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Detective Diabeetus Feed And Grow Fish Game

Detective Diabeetus Feed And Grow Fish

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