Fnaf World Empty Space Beneath Key Block

Football Heads: 2013-14 La Liga. Football Heads: 2014 World Cup. Spank the Monkey.

It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Space Engineers Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to 'InstanceSpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

Pingperfect.com - Space Engineers main configuration - V2

Please be aware this config will not update an existing world, you MUST edit that world’s sandbox_config.sbc file directly (Guide on process here: http://pingperfect.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=546)

General Settings

Server Name<!--Server name exactly as it will be displayed in the server browser-->

Game Mode<!--Survival OR Creative-->

Steam Group ID 0<!--If set to non-zero value, the dedicated server will only be visible for the given Steam group Note: By “Steam Group ID” we mean the unique numerical identifier for a Steam account in the 64-bit format. Your Steam ID in this format can be found in the game log after running the game with Steam logged-in to your Steam account (see above) or using external tools like CLICK HERE or http://steamidfinder.ru/-->

Password Hash<!--See password guide here: https://pingperfect.com/index.php/knowledgebase/307/Space-Engineers--Add-a-Password.html-->

Password saltmVHq9/VKJWrmiGkYQ6elrg<!--See password guide here: https://pingperfect.com/index.php/knowledgebase/307/Space-Engineers--Add-a-Password.html-->

Pause game when server is empty<!--If enabled pauses the game when server is empty-->

Enable Remote API<!--If enabled you can use the Remote API to manage server-->

Remote API Key <!--Create your own key as you would create a password and enter it here-->

DescriptionAnother Pingperfect.com game server<!--Server description exactly as it will be displayed-->

Message of the day settings

Message of the dayWelcome to another Pingperfect.com game server<!--Message of the day exactly as it will be displayed on the server-->

Message of the day URL<!--Will open the Steam browser to the specified Message of the day URL without player input when they join a game -->

Load World / World Generation Settings

Scenario<!--Choose your starting scenario here-->

Persistent worldUntick this to generate a new world<!--This option will allow you to use a saved world, If left un-ticked your server will generate a new world each time your reboot -->

World<!--Name of world you want server to load on start-up-->

Procedural Density0.2<!--Density of asteroids in the world, higher number = more asteroids-->

Multiplier Settings

Blocks Inventory Size Multiplier1<!--Blocks Inventory size is multiplied by this number -->

Assembler efficiency multiplier3<!--efficiency of assembler (higher values make components cheaper in terms of ingots) -->

Assembler speed multiplier3<!--Assembler speed is multiplied by this number -->

Grinder speed multiplier1<!--Grinding speed is multiplied by this number -->

Hack speed multiplier1<!--Hacking speed is multiplied by this number -->

Inventory size multiplier10<!--Inventory size is multiplied by this number -->

Refinery speed multiplier3<!--Refinery speed is multiplied by this number -->

Welder speed multiplier1<!--Welding speed is multiplied by this number -->

Harvest Ratio Multiplier1<!--Amount harvested is multiplied by this number-->

Player Settings

Auto Healing<!--Only available in Survival Mode. If turned on, you will gradually heal up to 70% health without the need for a Medical Room -->

Enable 3rd person view<!--Enable or disable 3rd person view on the server-->

Copy Paste objects<!--Only available in Creative Mode. Determines whether or not players are allowed to cut, copy and paste. This allows you to copy entire ships or stations and paste them wherever you feel like. If you cut an object, a conformation message will show up. The deleted object will be in your clipboard -->

Enable Jetpacks<!--Enable or disable Jetpacks on the server-->

Enable Respawn Screen in the game<!--Enable or disable Respawn screen on the server-->

Toolshake<!--Enable to make tools shake when they are used, disable to stop tools shaking when they are used-->

Permanent Death?<!--If this option is enabled, when players die, it’s permanent -->

Reset Ownership<!--Enabling this option will reset all faction ownership within the game -->

Show Player Names<!--When enabled, players who are in your line-of-sight will have their names displayed above their head -->

Spawn Ship Time Multiplier0.5<!--the enforced delay between spawning another respawnship. Increasing this number above 1 will multiply the default respawnship time by your chosen number-->

Spawn with Tools<!--Enable to make players spawn with tools, disable for no tools-->

Trash Removal Settings

Block Count Threshold20<!--Number of blocks required before something is considered as trash-->

Optimal Grid Count300<!--The number of grids the system should aim for-->

Character Removal Threshold5<!--After how many minutes can a character be removed-->

Player Distance Threshold1000<!--The distance in meters where a player can be considered for removal-->

Player Inactivity Threshold148<!--The amount of hours required before a player can be considered for removal-->

Trash Removal Flags1,562<!--The numeric value of what flags you want enabled. 1562 = Stationary, Linear, Accelerating, WithBlockCount, DistanceFromPlayer, Default-->

Voxel Trash Removal Enabled<!--Enable to enable Voxel Trash removal, disable to disable-->

Voxel Trash Cleanup - Player Threshold5000<!--System will not clean up voxel trash if a player is within this distance-->

Voxel Trash Cleanup - Grid Threshold5000<!--System will not clean up voxel trash if a grid is within this distance-->

Voxel Trash Cleanup - Age Threshold24<!--Clean-up trash older than this many hours-->

Remove Old Identities0<!--Define time in hours after inactive identities that do not own any grids will be removed. Set to 0 to disable-->

Block Limits

Enable Block Limits<!-- Enable or disable block limits on the server-->

Maximum blocks per player100000<!-- Set the maximum blocks per player here-->

Max Faction Count2<!-- Set the maximum number of factions present on the server here-->

Max Grid Size25000<!-- Set the maximum size of a single grid on the server here-->

World Performance Cost Units (PCU)100,000.00<!--PCU (Performance Cost Unit) Limits are the next iteration of block limits. Its purpose is to keep server performance in a more effective way than just limiting block types. Every block has its own defined PCU value, which says how much performance impact a block has under full load (when all its systems are activated). More PCU, more performance heavy the block is. PCU can be defined per world, as a pool, which can be used for building. This pool is then split per player, per faction, or global. Limits per faction are also a new feature introduced in this build. Please note, that you can change the default PCU limits in the Experimental mode. For example: The world has 100,000 PCU pool, there are only two factions, red and blue, and there cannot be more factions. So each faction has 50,000 dedicated PCUs. A player which does not belong to any faction cannot build anything. Removed or destroyed blocks PCU are returned back to the faction PCU pool. A player who wants to change the faction, needs to check that all his/her blocks PCU are within the faction limit he/she wants to join.-->

Pirate PCU50000<!-- Amount of PCUs assigned to Pirate's on the server (these will subtract from other factions so do not set it too high)-->

Block type Limits (Select the [New Block Type Limit] button to open up the options below which allow you to limit more block types. – to do more than 1 press the button again)

What block type to limitAssembler<!-- Type the exact name of the block type you want to limit here-->

How many are allowed21<!-- Type the amount of the block type you're limiting here-->

NPC Settings

Cargo Ships<!--Toggles on/off the randomly-spawning Cargo Ships-->

Enable Drones<!--Toggles on/off the randomly-spawning Drones-->

Max Drones5<!--Maximum amount of drones present on the server at any one time-->

Enable Encounters<!--Enable or Disable random encounters on the server-->

Spiders<!--Enable or disable the ability for Spiders to spawn-->

Wolfs<!--Enable or disable the ability for Wolves to spawn -->

Environment Settings

Destructible Blocks<!--Enable or Disable destructible blocks on the server-->

Enable Flora<!--Enable or disable Flora (trees, bushes etc.)-->

Flora Density1<!--How close together the Flora will be on the server-->

Oxygen Enabled <!--If enabled this means that now you can take off your character’s helmet, but only inside the medical room. When the character takes off the helmet inside an environment without oxygen, he will receive damage. In addition, you are now able to obtain ice and generate oxygen out of it by using the oxygen generator. This device needs to be connected to an air vent that will emit the oxygen inside the room. -->

Oxygen Pressurization / Air Tightness<!--Enable or disable oxygen pressurisation / air tightness-->

Enable sub grid damage<!--Enable or disable sub grid damage on the server -->

Enable Sun Rotation<!--Enable or disable Day/Night simulation (sun rotation) -->

Sun Rotation Interval in Minutes240<!--Time it takes for a complete rotation of the Sun-->

Turret friendly fire<!--Enable or disable Turret’s ability to friendly fire-->

Enable Voxel Destruction<!--Enable or disable Voxel destruction-->

Environment Hostility<!--Changing this affects the frequency and severity of Meteor Storms -->

Max floating objects<!--The maximum amount of small objects (ores, dropped components, etc.) in the world at one time. If this limit is exceeded, the oldest object will be deleted. Higher values may result in degraded performance. Range: 16-1024 -->

Physics Iterations8<!--Increasing this value will make physics smoother on the server but will use more processing power to do so, do not increase this value to high as it may degrade server performance-->

Realistic Sound<!--Enable or disable realistic sound-->

Enable Station Voxel Support<!--Enabling means thatShips will become stations automatically when on an asteroid and vice versa, disabling means that Stations/ships are not dynamic and have to be toggled to change -->

World Size0<!--Size of world in km. Set to 0 for infinite world mode -->

Stop Grids15<!--Defines time in minutes after which grids will be stopped if far from player -->

AFK Timeout30<!--Defines time in minutes after which inactive players will be kicked. Set to 0 to disable -->

Enable Supergridding<!--Enable or Disable Supergridding exploit to be used -->

Trade Factions Count15<!--Total amount of trade factions on the server-->

Stations Inner Radius10000000<!--Set Stations Inner Radius -->

Stations Distance Outer Radius End30000000<!--Set Stations Distance Outer Radius End -->

Stations Outer Radius Start10000000<!--Set Stations Outer Radius Start -->

Other Settings

Enable Research<!--Enable or Disable the Research system on the server -->

Auto Save in Minutes5<!--The time in minutes you want the server to auto save itself (does not apply to an already created world)-->

Enable Container Drops<!--Your comment-->

Enable Convert to Station<!--Enable to enable the ability for ships to become stations, disable to remove the ability-->

Enable In-game scripts<!--Enable to allow in-game scripts to be run by players, disable to prevent in-game scripts being run by players-->

Enable Respawn Ships<!--Enable or Disable the ability to use a respawn ship after player death-->

Respawn Ship Delete<!--Enabled means the respawn ship will be deleted after a period of time, disabled means it will persist forever (or until server clean up removes it as trash)-->

Enable scripter role<!--If enabled,Only players with the scripter role can use programmable blocks, if disabled all players can use programmable blocks -->

Enable Spectators<!--Enable or Disable Spectator mode-->

Experimental Mode<!--Toggle to enable or Disable Experimental mode (Enabled provides more World settings + use of Scripts + use of Mods + No limits -->

Adaptive Simulation Quality<!--Enable or disable Adaptive simulation quality (helps you when your sim speed dips, by reducing the number of calculation stages it uses for things like deformation/explosions, if you turn this off you'll find your sim speed will drop more often and you'll get more performance spikes without it -->

Infinite Ammo (Survival only)<!-- Toggles infinite ammo, Survival ONLY-->

Max Backups5<!-- How many backups the server will keep -->

Minimum container respawn time5<!-- Set Minimum container respawn time -->


Maximum container respawn time20<!-- SetMaximum container respawn time-->

Thruster Damage<!--When enabled, thrusters do damage to anything within their flame -->

Weapons Enabled<!--Determines whether or not weapons will work. If turned off, trying to a fire a weapon will display a warning message -->

Enable Good Bot Hints<!--Enable or disable Good bot hints-->

Optimal Spawn Distance 4,000<!--The distance that the server will try and spawn players between-->

Enable Auto Respawn<!--Enable or Disable Auto-respawn on the server when player death occurs-->

Save Chat to Log<!--Enable or Disable game chat being saved to log files-->

Admin Settings (Select the [New Admin] button to open up the options below which allow you to admin a player. – to do more than 1 press the button again)

Admin Id:0<!--Put user you want to ADMIN Steam 64 ID here, (To find steam 64 id go to this site https://steamid.co/ and paste in their steam profile or username and the steam ID 64 will be presented to you -->

Banned User Settings (Select the [New Ban] button to open up the options below which allow you to ban a player. – to do more than 1 press the button again)

Ban Id:0<!--Put user you want to BANs Steam 64 ID here, (To find steam 64 id go to this site https://steamid.co/ and paste in their steam profile or username and the steam ID 64 will be presented to you ) -->

Reserved Slots (Select the [New Reserved Slot] button to open up the options below which allow you to add more reserved slots for specific players. – to do more than 1 press the button again)

Reserved Slot ID:0<!--Put user you want to create a reserved slot for Steam 64 ID here, (To find steam 64 id go to this site https://steamid.co/ and paste in their steam profile or username and the steam ID 64 will be presented to you -->

Maintenance Settings

Auto Restart Enabled<!--Enable or Disable Auto-restart – we advise disabling this and using our Game panel instead as it is more reliable (https://pingperfect.com/index.php/knowledgebase/39/Scheduled-tasks.html) -->

Auto restart every X minutes360<!--Auto restart time interval (time between each auto save) -->

Automatically save on restart<!-- Enable or Disable “Save on maintenance restart”-->

Watcher Interval600<!--How often should the watcher process look at the sim speed of your server -->

Watch Sim Speed Minimum0.05<!--If watcher sees your server's sim speed dip below this value the server will restart -->

Enable Auto update<!-- Enable to turn on auto-updating, we recommend disabling this option and performing your updates manually so you can always take a backup first in case anything goes wrong -->

How often to check for updates30<!-- Update check interval -->

How long to delay update for once found15<!-- Update delay interval-->

Enable Voxel Hand<!-- Enable or disable Voxel Hands - Voxel Hands are a set of brushes that can be used to 'paint' voxels into the world or erase them in the same manner. They are available only in creative mode gameplay. -->

Economy Settings

Enable Economy<!-- Enable or Disable the game’s economy system -->

Enable Bounty Contracts<!--Enable or Disable Bounty Contract system on the server-->

Economy Tick in Seconds1200<!-- The frequency of which the Economy system updates the Economy System’s state-->

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World settings page (Patch: 01.095)

Quick Links

World settings

Advanced world settings

Toggle Options

There are a number of settings that can be changed to affect various ways the game works. They can be set when creating a new world or adjusted on existing worlds by selecting them in the load menu and clicking 'edit settings'.


Only available when creating a new world. Allows you to select from the following set of pre-built scenarios:

Easy Start 1 Start on a fully-equipped platform with 3 small ships (a miner, a fighter and a builder) and 2 large ships (the blue ship and the red ship featured in one of the menu loops).
Easy Start 2 Start with a complex, fully-equipped asteroid base with many small ships and the 2 large ships.
Lone Survivor Start on the same fully-equipped platform as Easy Start 1, but without ships.
Crashed Red Ship Start with the aftermath of the red ship flying into an asteroid.
Two Platforms Has two fully-equipped platforms at opposite ends of the asteroid field. Recommended for PvP.
Asteroids Start in a spawn ship in an asteroid field.
Empty World An empty world; no platform, no ships, no asteroids. Completely unsuitable for Survival Mode, as progress is impossible.
Easy Start Earth Start on a planetary base with (EDIT FOR SHIPS), but beware of hostile Drones, Pirates and Cyberhounds.
Easy Start Mars Start on a planetary base with (EDIT FOR SHIPS), but beware of hostile Drones, Pirates
Easy Start Moon Start on a lunar base with (EDIT FOR SHIPS), but beware of hostile Drones, Pirates
Easy Start Alien Start on a planetary base with (EDIT FOR SHIPS), but beware of hostile Drones, Pirates and Sabiroids
Star System
Habitable Planet Start in a spawn ship in space with an Earth like planet and Moon like moon.

World Settings


The name of the world, which will appear both in the 'Load World' menu and in the 'Join World' menu (if your world is open for others to join).


A short description of the world. Appears when you mouse over the world in the 'Load World' menu.

Game Mode

Sets the world to either Creative or Survival Mode.

Creative Infinite resources, instant building, instant welding of projected blocks, systems do not require resources (e.g. Uranium or Ice) to function, weapons do not use ammo.
Survival Resources must be mined and refined. Blocks can still be placed instantly, but require components and welding before they are functional. Systems require and use up resources.

Online Mode

Determines whether or not people can connect to you for online multiplayer.

Offline The world is not visible on the 'Join World' menu, and is not joinable in any way. Singleplayer mode is active, meaning you can pause the game.
Private The world is not visible on the 'Join World' menu. It is joinable, but only with an invite.
Friends The world appears on the 'Join World' menu to your Steam friends, and is joinable by them. People who are not friends with you on Steam will not see the game, but they can still join if they are invited into it.
Public The world is visible on the 'Join World' menu to everyone online on Steam, and is joinable by them.

Max. Players

Only available if the Online Mode is not 'Offline'. Determines the maximum amount of players on the world at once, including yourself. Range: 2-16

Environment Hostility

Affects the frequency and severity of Meteor Storms.

Safe Meteor storms will not occur.
Normal Meteor storms will occur rarely and in smaller numbers, causing minor damage.
Cataclysm Meteor storms occur regularly, in decent numbers, and can cause serious damage.
Armageddon Meteors never stop. Meteors are on fire. Meteors will cause major damage. Good luck.


When turned on, the world will automatically save at regular intervals.

Scenario Edit Mode

This option enables the world to be edited with scenario options available.

  • The world must be set in creative mode to use scenario functions
  • Once the world is exited, the gamemode will automatically switch back to Survival mode


As of patch 01.042, mod integration with steam workshop was introduced. This feature in addition allows players to select specific mods to add to their worlds. To learn how the mod page works, see Mods guide on steam by Marek Rosa.

World Generator

This page determines the spawning parameters of asteroids and planet flora.

  • This option is only available when creating a new world

Asteroid Amount

Not available if you have picked the 'Empty World' scenario. Affects the amount of pseudo-randomly generated asteroids in the game world. Important for Survival Mode, as they are your source of ores.

Normal 4 Large asteroids, and 20 small asteroids are generated
Large 7 Large asteroids, and 35 small asteroids are generated
Extreme 16 Large asteroids, and 80 small asteroids are generated (For 64-bit systems only)
Infinite: Low Density Spawns an infinite randomly generated world, asteroids vary in size and are very spread out
Infinite: Normal Density Spawns an infinite randomly generated world, asteroids vary in size and are closer together
Infinite: High Density Spawns an infinite randomly generated world, asteroids vary in size and are very close to each other

Flora Density

Flora density controls the spawning ratio of both tree/plants, and mineral rocks that are scattered around the surface of a Planet or Moon.

None No boulders or vegetation will spawn
Low Vegetation and boulders are sparsely placed
Medium Vegetation and boulders are placed fairly close together and in average amounts
High Vegetation and boulders are placed closer together, and in much higher numbers (higher end systems recommended)
Extreme Vegetation and boulders are densely packed together in vast amounts. (higher end systems recommended)


Advanced settings to further customize your world.

Inventory Size

Only available in Survival Mode Affects the size of the inventories (both the player's and most storage blocks).

SettingDescriptionStorage volume (L)
Player Small Container (small block / large block) Medium Container Large Container (small block / large block)
Realistic Standard size. 400 125 / 15,625 8000 27,000 / 125,000
3x Inventories are three times larger. 1200 375 / 46,875 24000 81,000 / 375,000
10x Inventories are ten times larger. 4000 1250 / 156,250 80000 270,000 / 1,250,000

Assembler Efficiency

Only available in Survival Mode. Affects the speed of and the amount of ingots used by the Assembler to produce Components.

Realistic Standard speed and efficiency
3x Assemblers speed increased to 300%, uses 3 times less resources
10x Assemblers speed increased to 1000%, uses 10 times less resources

Refinery Speed

// I am unsure if this setting affects Arc Furnace, can anyone check?Only available in Survival Mode. Affects the speed that the Refinery processes ores.

Realistic Standard speed
3x Refinery processing speed increased to 300%
10x Refinery processing speed increased to 1000%

Welding Speed

Realistic Standard speed
0.5x Welding speed decreased to 50%
2x Welding speed increased to 200%
5x Welding speed increased to 500%

Grinding Speed

Realistic Standard speed
0.5x Grinding speed decreased to 50%
2x Grinding speed increased to 200%
5x Grinding speed increased to 500%

Max. Objects

The maximum amount of small objects (ores, dropped components, tools) in the world at one time. If this limit is exceeded, the oldest object will be deleted. Higher values can strain less powerful computers. Range: 16-1024

Limit world size

as of patch 01.035.005, players are allowed to set the size of the world. The game area is limited to a cube with a size of the players choosing. Any object that passes outside the border is removed from the world. Any players that cross the border, will be killed.As of patch 01.042, when a player approaches the border, a warning is displayed on-screen, informing the player the distance, and consequences of crossing it.

10 km The game world size is limited to 10 km
20 km The game world size is limited to 20 km
50 km The game world size is limited to 50 km
100 km The game world size is limited to 100 km
Unlimited The world size has no boundaries, and is unlimited. Object deletion and player killed by border is disabled.

Respawn ship cooldown

When player spawns with a ship, cooldowns are applied to prevent players from repeatedly respawning and grinding them for resources. Each spawn ship has it's own cooldown based on ship's value.Cooldowns are not applied per ship, but per respawn. This means that every time you respawn on a ship, cooldowns will be reapplied for all ships.This setting allows cooldown length adjustment.

Note: you can respawn in suit at any time.

Approximate wait time for cooldown settings
SettingRespawn Ship 1Respawn Ship 2Small Drill ShipEscape PodRespawn Ship 3
Cooldowns disabled 0 0 0 0 0
Default / 10 1.5 minutes 54 seconds 30 seconds 24 seconds 1.1 minute
Default /5 3 minutes 1.8 minutes 1 minute 48 seconds 2.2 minutes
Default / 2 7.5 minutes 4.5 minutes 2.5 minutes 2 minutes 5.5 minutes
Default 15 minutes 9 minutes 5 minutes 4 minutes 11 minutes
Default x 2 30 minutes 18 minutes 10 minutes 8 minutes 22 minutes
Default x 5 1.25 hours 45 minutes 25 minutes 20 minutes 55 minutes
Default x 10 2.5 hours 1.5 hours 50 minutes 40 minutes 1.8 hours
Default x 20 5 hours 3 hours 1.7 hours 1.3 hours 3.6 hours
Default x 50 12.5 hours 7.5 hours 4.2 hours 3.3 hours 9.2 hours

View distance

View distance affects how far a player is able to see. The larger is view distance, the more objects potentially can be seen on screen simultaneously, causing game performance to drop.

5 km - low end machines The player can see objects out to 5 km
7 km - performance friendly The player can see objects out to 7 km
10 km The player can see objects out to 10 km
15 km The player can see objects out to 15 km
20 km The player can see objects out to 20 km
30 km - small performance hit The player can see objects out to 30 km
40 km - performance hit The player can see objects out to 40 km
50 km - big performance hit The player can see objects out to 50 km

Day Duration

If sun rotation is enabled, this slider allows the player to set the time it takes for the sun to rotate around the playing area. This simulates day/night cycles for Planets and Moons.This option is only available if Enable sun rotation is enabled

Toggle Options


Only available in Survival Mode. If turned on, you will gradually heal up to 70% health without the need for a Medical Room.

Enable Copy/Paste

Only available in Creative Mode. Determines whether or not players are allowed to cut, copy and paste (including pasting from blueprints).This allows you to copy entire ships or stations and paste them wherever you feel like. If you cut an object, a confirmation message will show up. The deleted object will be in your clipboard.

Client can save

Enables the ability for clients on the world to save the world, as opposed to just the server.

Weapons Enabled

Determines whether or not weapons will work. If turned off, trying to a fire a weapon will display a warning message.

Trash auto-removal

If checked, debris and/or junk will be removed automatically. This increases performance within the world as less objects need to be calculated.Grid (large ship or small ship) will be considered junk if:

  1. The grid has only a few blocks
  2. Is moving in a linear motion (one direction, no acceleration)
  3. Is not powered
  4. Is not controlled
  5. Does not contain a Med-bay
  6. Is nearly out of render range of all players

See Trash Removal for further details.

Enable oxygen

If checked, ice, pressurization, and Oxygen circulation mechanics will be enabled in the world. Players will need oxygen to survive, and the suit will also have a specific amount of oxygen in it. If players do not replenish their oxygen or they are not in a pressurized environment, they will die.

Disable Respawn ships

If checked, disables any players ability to select a respawn ship or spawn as a space suit from the respawn screen. The only means of respawning into the world are only through Med-bays.

  • This option is best suited for Scenarios

Enable jetpack

If enabled, the player(s) will be able to use their jetpack to fly around in the world. However, if disabled, you will not be able to navigate in non-gravity environments without getting stuck. Jetpacks will drain hydrogen when used.

Enable voxel destruction

If enabled, players can mine/destroy asteroids, rocks, or the surface of a planet. If disabled, these are immune to mining and damage.

Enable spiders

If checked, allows Sabiroids to spawn, and appear on the Alien planet and certain moons.

Delete Respawn ships

If enabled, if a player exits the world (leaves a server), it will delete the respawn ship they had in their possession at the start.

Show Player Names

When turned on, players who are in your line-of-sight will have their names displayed above their heads.

Thruster Damage

When turned on, thrusters will damage objects behind them. If the space directly behind thruster is less than 4 blocks for small or 7 blocks for large thruster, the flames will damage anything on their way in a cross pattern.

Cargo Ships

When turned on, Cargo Ships will randomly spawn.

In-game scripts

Enables in-game scripts to be run on programmable blocks.

Enable 3rd Person View


Turned on by default, when turned off it prevents any players in the world from being able to use 3rd view of their character/ship and restricts it to first-person.

Enable sun rotation

If checked, the sun will rotate completely around the skybox, simulating day/night cycles for planets & Moons.Enabling this option, unlocks Day Duration

Spawn with tools

If checked, player(s) will spawn with a standard Automatic_Rifle, Hand Grinder, Hand_Drill, and Hand Welder. Upon death, players will still respawn with the above listed tools.

Enable drones

If checked, enables hostile NPC drones to occasionally spawn and attack the player(s).

Enable spectator

Toggles on/off Spectator Mode.

Reset ownership

This resets the Ownership of all objects in the world to 'No one'. See Factions.

Permanent Death

If checked, this option allows a player to permanently lose control of their ships and/or stations if they die, and do not have a Med-bay to spawn into. If disabled, the player will still maintain control of their property regardless of spawning in a Med-bay or a new respawn ship.

Destructible blocks

If checked, blocks can be damaged, deformed or destroyed.

Enable tool shake

When turned on, ship grinders and drills will shake the player/ship when grinding or drilling. The amount of force applied depends on how many dills/grinders you are using on a ship, and the amount of mass/thrust is countering it.

Random Encounters

This enables the game to randomly spawn player-made exploration ships & stations in the world for the player to find/salvage. These are not hostile currently.This also enables Pirate Bases/Drones, if drones is also enabled

Unsupported Stations

If left unchecked, stations that are not attached to the surface of an Asteroid, Planet, or Moon will behave like large ship blocks and will not be static. They are susceptible to the same physics and mechanics as Large Ships and may drift uncontrollably without thrusters.

If a station that is properly attached to a voxel has its anchor points that keep it attached destroyed, the station will break away and will no longer be static.

When this setting is checked, stations will always remain static and will not move.

Start in respawn screen

If checked, this forces all players to start in the respawn screen upon entering the game.

  • This option is best suited for Scenarios

Enable cyberhounds

If checked, allows Cyberhounds to spawn, and appear on the Earth planet.